Ligament Tightening True Lift

The True Lift is a non-surgical procedure that focuses on re-tightening the four true ligaments of the face. Volumiser Treatment is placed at the base of these ligaments, resulting in a direct tightening of the ligaments and lifting of facial tissue.

Effective True Lift ligament tightening treatment at Face to Face by Marjan in Sydney, showcasing innovative non-surgical facial rejuvenation with dermal fillers.

The Procedure

Are you considering a non-surgical approach to achieve a natural-looking, lifted appearance? Our clinic offers consultations for advanced facial lifting techniques that use strategically placed volumiser to support and lift facial ligaments. This procedure focuses on re-tightening the four key ligaments that run from bone to skin and support different sections of the face.

During the procedure, volumisers are placed at the base of these ligaments, resulting in a direct tightening effect and lifting of the facial tissue. This technique addresses the structural descent of soft tissues due to ligament laxity, providing an effective way to rejuvenate the ageing face. The results are subtle yet predictable, making it an ideal option for those seeking a non-invasive facial rejuvenation method.

Book your consultation with Marjan today to discuss a personalised treatment plan tailored to your aesthetic goals.

FAQ’S About Ligament Lift Treatment

  • The results can be seen instantly and tend to improve over the course of 2 weeks before the final result as the filler integrates with the surrounding tissue.

  • As with any Hyalauronic Acid filler treatment, the most common side effects are temporary bruising, redness, swelling and tenderness.

  • The treatment can last 12-24 months.

  • The price varies according to the degree of loss of support in ligaments and the impact of ageing.

  • The sites of injection are largely free of large vessels so bruising is rare. A small puncture site from the small needle might be there for the rest of the day, but nothing major that might stop you from returning to work or play immediately. I suggest that you follow the standard precautions as you normally would with any dermal filler treatment.

  • Yes and this is generally ideal. Dermal filler treatments can be combined with other treatments. Many clients are eager to combine multiple treatments into one treatment plan in order to achieve each of their aesthetic goals, which may be necessary if you have a wider range of appearance-related concerns that can’t be treated with a singular treatment.